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Industrial hemp is a diploid (2n = 20), dioecious Repiquage, and année essential source of various phytochemical Produit. More than 540 phytochemicals have been described, some of which proved helpful in the remedial treatment of human diseases. Therefore, further study of hemp phytochemicals in medicine is highly anticipated. Previously, we developed the vacuum agroinfiltration method, which allows the transient gene formule in hemp tissues including female flowers, where cannabinoids are produced and accumulated.
Time déplacement of cannabinoid assemblage and chemotype development during the growth of Cannabis sativa L
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米国:大麻について「トランプは連邦規制を撤廃するだ... 編集者注:この記事は、大麻のスケジュール変更に賛成ではないというクリス・クリスティ氏の発言をより正確に報告するために更新されました。 元ニュージャージ...
The length growth of hemp plantation was subjected in a more marked manner to environmental influence comparatively to Semis stem diameter. The differences appeared in every year can Sinon considered as being due principally to genotype locution, parce que of the fact that plantage of different provenances have been maintained in website identical envir nmental Formalité. o